Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Socail Studies Blog- State

Lately in Newark there has been an outburst of crime, particularly shootings. On the night of February twenty-fourth five people in a West Ward housing complex were shot. That makes the weekly total of people injured by gunfire in Newark fifteen people. The shootings took place a little before 9:30 p.m. in Georgia King Village. The police have no suspects, leads on a motive, or arrests. These sort of things are not uncommon, though, this was the third multiple shooting incident in less than a week. It is awful that there is so much violence in the world and somebody should be trying to lower crime rates.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Class Response Science Blog #2

Recently in Science class we have been building roller coasters out of everyday supplies such as soda bottles, cardboard boxes, and paper towel rolls. Then we would see if a marble could get all the way through the roller coaster. These roller coasters displayed friction, force, and Newton's three laws of motion. Friction slowed down the marble as it was progressing through the roller coaster because friction is when the imperfections and ridges on objects rub against each other causing the objects to slow down. The marble used force as it was being pushed down the roller coaster because force is a push or a pull. Newton's first law of motion is shown on my roller coaster because the car keeps moving until it is slowed down by friction and then finally stopped at the end of the roller coaster. This is because Newton's first law of motion says that an object in motion will stay in motion and an object at rest will stay at rest until an unbalanced force is acted upon it. According to Newton's first law of motion the marble would have continued moving through the roller coaster forever had it not been acted upon by friction. Newton's second law of motion is shown on my roller coaster because the amount of force of the marble is equal to the the amount that the car accelerated times the mass of the marble. This is because Newton's second law of motion says that force equals mass times acceleration. Newton's third law of motion is shown on my roller coaster because the marble is exerting force on the roller coaster and the roller coaster is exerting force on the marble. This is because Newton's third law of motion says that for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. As you can see, my roller coaster is a perfect example of an easy way to display many elements of science.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Local Current Event S.S. Blog- SB Students Witness histori Moment

The morning of January 18, 2009 a group of forty-four students from South Brunswick High School and six chaperones left for Washington D.C. to see the Presidential Inauguration. During their four day trip they visited many locations such as monuments and the National Portrait Gallery. The trip was expensive at five hundred and twenty five dollars per student but they felt that it was worth it to see that influential moment in history in person. The group had to wake up at four in the morning and it was extremely cold but in the end it was worth it. Many students were touched by President Obama's speech. For instance, junior Saadia Ahmad said ”So much of what he said I felt applied directly to me. I felt what he said and I was shivering, but not from the cold. When you’re moved by something and it gets to you, it just makes you think everything applies to your own life and you want to try to make a difference.” Saadia also said ”The whole time I knew that this was something really important. I just focused on everything that happened so when I look back on this in 20 or 30 years I’ll remember how I felt that day. It’s something that I always want to remember.” All in all, this trip was defiantly a day that all forty-four students will remember.

Current Event Science Blog

Mount Redoubt, a volcano in Alaska, is expected to erupt extremely soon. In fact, scientists predict that this could happen within days or weeks. Scientists expect this because there have been a lot of little earthquakes and the magma is nearing the surface. This is a risk because Mount Redoubt is only about one hundred miles southwest of Anchorage. When the volcano erupts it could send huge clouds of ash all over Alaska. Judging from past eruptions this ash could shoot up to forty thousand feet in the air. Ash is mostly made of silica which is similar to tiny pieces of glass. The ash would take about three hours to reach Anchorage. Ash could be a concern because ash can be dangerous to breathe in and can damage cars if it gets into the engines. A dangerous effect of ash is that it can get ruin or stall the engines on planes. That is why no planes will be allowed to fly in the area if the volcano erupts.