Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Current Events Blog on Hybrid Taxis

There is a new rule in New York city that taxi owners must change their taxis every three to five years to a new hybrid taxi that is better for the enviorment. Right now most of New York Citys 13,000 taxis are not hybrid but they are hoping that by 2012 they will be. Though there is only about 630 hybrid taxis in the city but by 2012 Mayor Michael Bloomberg wants them all to be hybrid. This giant leap for the enviorment is the first rule like it anywhere. I think that this is a great idea and if it spreads all over the world it could be a gigantic good cahange for the enviorment.

Who- The agency that regulates the city's taxi industry made the rule.

What- The taxis in New York are being forced to be hybrid so they use less gas and are better for the environment.

When- The rule is that all taxis purchased after October 1, 2008 have to go at least twenty-five miles per gallon. All cars purchased after the fall of 2009 must go at least thirty miles per gallon. They are hoping that all taxis will be hybrid by 2012.

Where- The taxis will be changed in New York City.

Why- The reason that they are switching the taxis is so there will be less pollution in the air and we will be using less gas.

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