Saturday, May 30, 2009

Plasticity Lab

In science class we recently did a lab on plasticity and how it relates to the earth's mantle. First, we gathered our materials: cornstarch, water, two small beakers, a spoon, a tray, an eyedropper, and food coloring. After that we put cornstarch in one beaker and water in the other. Then we put the water, and food coloring into the beaker with cornstarch in it and stirred it until it made an unusual substance. When I rolled the substance between my palms it became a solid ball, sort of like play dough. However, the moment I stopped applying this heat and pressure to the substance it melted in to a liquidy gel-like material. I would describe this mixture as both a solid and a liquid. I have never seen anything like it before. When I put my finger in slowly it sunk into the mixture but when I put it in fast it did not. The reason that this relates to the earth's mantle is because the plasticity demonstrated by this lab is also the plasticity that is present in the upper part of the earth's mantle. All in all, this was a very fun and interesting lab.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

October Sky

Recently I have watched the movie October Sky in school. In this movie a poor boy- Homer- lived in a small mining town. The only way to get out of the town was to get a football scholarship and Homer was not very good at football. However, Homer has bigger plans and ambitions than working in the mines for the rest of his life. After seeing Sputnik shoot across the sky, Homer gets interested in rocket building and wins a scholarship based on academic achievement against the odds. He makes a future for himself and accomplishes his goal of helping make full sized rockets when he joined the N.A.S.A. program. There were many connections to science and math in this intriguing movie. Homer must use a complicated series of science and math to build his rockets and make sure that they shoot into the air not fall back down or explode. He was inspired to start building these rockets when the Russians built the Sputnik satellite and Homer saw it. Homer did not want to end up working in the family business, coal mining, because of health dangers such as the risks of cancer, black lung disease, and accidents. At first authorities thought that one of his rockets caused a forest fire but by making a mathematical equation Homer realized that his rocket could not have landed where the authorities said it did and he found it sitting in a nearby stream, proving that his rocket in fact, did not start the forest fire. Homer entered his rocket in a science fair and he won, earning himself a scholarship so that he could go to collage. However, it was not just science and math that were demonstrated in this movie, there were many displays of character education. It took cooperation for Homer and his friends to become a rocket building team. It was very assertive of Homer's mother to stand up to her husband when he did not support Homer's decision to build rockets. Even though his father did not respect Homer's decision to build rockets, Homer was always very respectful to his father and showed a lot of self-control. Homer's father only respected Homer when he was working in the mines. Homer showed empathy towards his teacher when he found out about her illness. Homer was a kind person who had a dream and was determined to persevered to the end until he accomplished that dream. Personally, I thought that October Sky is a good movie and that Homer is an ideal example of if you follow your dream and try hard you can accomplish your goals.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Genetic Disorder Response Blog

I read ILuvShockey's blog on Charcot-Marie-Tooth Disease. The blog was very interesting and I learned a lot from it. As it states in the blog, people with Charcot-Marie-Tooth Disease have weakened lower leg muscles, and disabilities of the hands and feet. This disease also affects motor and sensory nerves. Because of this, people with Charcot-Marie-Tooth Disease have serious trouble doing everyday tasks such as getting dressed or brushing their teeth. There is no known cure at the present time but I hope they find one. However, there are treatments that can help people with this disease. It is extremely sad that some people have to go through so much trouble just to live their everyday life.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Turners Syndrome

Turners Syndrome is one of the many genetic disorders in the world. A genetic disorder is a condition caused by an absent or defective gene. Female’s genes are XX and male’s genes are XY. Turners Syndrome occurs when a female is missing one X gene or when one of the X genes is incomplete. It can also occur when some of the cells have two X genes and some cells have one. This disease affects only females. Unfortunately, one in every two thousand five hundred female births worldwide have this condition. Sadly, ninety-eight percent of unborn babies with Turners Syndrome die before birth. This disease was discovered in 1938 when Henrey Turner had seven patients come to him with dwarfism and lack of develpment.

There are many symptoms and possible complications that result from having Turners Syndrome. People with Turners Syndrome often have behavioral problems, learning disabilities, clumsiness, and poor coordination. Having a low hairline, drooping eyelids, a short neck, a broad chest, extra skin on the neck, hand swelling, and foot swelling are physical signs of this disease. It is also extremely common for people with Turners Syndrome to be very short. Girls with this tragic disease often have serious health complications such as kidney problems, developmental delay, scoliosis, heart defects, lack of ovaries, infertility, and skeletal problems. Unfortunately, there is no cure for Turners Syndrome. However, there are treatments. Growth hormone injections can help girls with Turners Syndrome grow taller and estrogen replacement therapy can help them to live a more normal life.

Overall, it is so unfortunate that some people have to live with a disabling disease such as Turners Syndrome. I cannot imagine what it would be like to have a genetic disorder such as Turners Syndrome. Learning about the people who have to face complications and struggle just to get through everyday life made me realize how lucky I am. All in all it is extremely sad that some people have to go through so much trouble just to live a normal life.